So, last Saturday wakes us with another gorgeous day in Seoul. Mal and I decide to explore the mountains in her neck of the woods. We walk the 30 minutes up the winding sidewalk trying to find the entrance to the base of the mountain. After several trial by errors we find it. The Mt. Acha base starts near these tennis courts where you notice people are playing some sort of tennis-soccer? (This is where one would think--insert picture--sorry bout that.) We begin to climb the stairs built into the mountain and then notice that much of this mountain is also a cemetery. Sounds creepy, but it was actually really beautiful. After attempting to talk the first tenth of the way up (mind you we have no idea how long this trek will be) we realize we are climbing at about a 45 degree angle--which is why we are completely out of breath. Don't worry, we continue. We go along the winding path on the edge of the mountain through the blooming trees that form tunnels around us.

Nature presents us with flowers of some ridiculous colors. There are many fellow hikers on the path with us. Side note: something odd to me: it is 70 degrees and sunny yet every Korean is wearing long pants, long shirts, and INTENSE hiking gear. But, no shorts! I wear shorts because well, that is what I do when it's warm. Only to be stared at more than normal for my strange outfit. Now not only am I an American in foreign territory, but I am an American wearing short, running shorts! Bah! But I digress. About halfway up, we think we MUST be close, and this nice guy who speaks English starts asking us where we are from, etc. We come to find out that he owns a cafe in Hongdae (one of the popular Western hangout-shopping-bar spots in Seoul) called Siru. He tells us that his cafe has live jazz as he also tells us we still have a decent climb to the top. A little under two hours and we are back at the base. A bit sore the next day but well worth it!
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