So, I have to be honest, the idea of celebrating the 4th of July, my country's independence day away from home made me a bit sad. This being the case, my friend Matt (from Kansas city) and I decided that we must put forth our best efforts and host an American-style BBQ.
View from our rooftop
Thus, we invite all of our closest friends-American, Canadian, and Korean alike to join us on our rooftop for a celebration of the 4th. It turned out quite well. I'd say we had around 15 people show up. Everyone came bearing some sort of American tradition. Matt and I bought the cheapest grill one can buy; i.e. $12. We went to Costco (yes there is Costco here) and got 30 hot dogs, buns, chips and a few other items. That $12 grill did a dang good job cooking those hot dogs. Cause they were so tasty.
The feast included: hot dogs-with all the necessary condiments, chips, egg salad, two kinds of pasta salad, BEER, and a fabulous homemade apple cobbler--with ICE CREAM--compliments of Amber!
The music selection was careful chosen by Matt's Itunes to only play American-artist songs. He made it quite evident that no non-American songs would be played. Good friends, good food, good music led to a quite enjoyable fourth of July in Korea. Definitely not the same as home, but it was as good as it gets. :)
u-s-a! u-s-a!