Day Two dinner: Roppongi Hills.

View of Tokyo Tower from Roppongi
Roppongi Hills, aka 'Artelligent City' is a large property complex that incorporates office space, apartments, shops, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, a museum, a hotel, an outdoor amphitheater and more. Needless to say, not really a cheap area for dinner, but when in Tokyo...
So we dine at some sushi fusion place...kinda reminded me of Sushi Samba...where the food was good but I felt as though the place just seemed overrated.

Cool lights in the restaurant

Some African dudes playin the drums and singing in the middle of the complex
After dinner we stumbled upon an Irish pub in the area and had some Saturday night bevs.
Sunday morning we opt to head back to Shibuya and Harajuku street to do some shopping. We just can't get enough of this area. SO much to see. SUCH incredible people watching.

Harajuku Street, officially

Japanese Boy Band...
We stop for lunch at this place called Mominoki.

It is a "food concept" restaurant. The food is all organic, and Stevie Wonder and Elton John like to dine there when in town. I pretty much think that if they like it--I will too.

The place was quaint, beautiful and cozy. The staff was so kind and the food was delicious.

Our entirely organic meal--YUM

View of Shibuya from Irish Pub patio
After a few beers and walking around we head back to our hotel for free noodles. Yep--every night at our hotel they serve free, fresh made ramen. I find myself wondering now why we didn't take more advantage of this. Free and delicious?? Anyway...we eat at the hotel and have some beerS from the vending machine because well that's what you do when you're getting up at 4:15am the next morning to go to the
Tsukiji fish market...aka the largest seafood market in the world.
I love, love, love that you found an Irish Pub!!! Miss you lots.