Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This morning made me smile

Today began with a typical morning for me living in South Korea. Alarm goes off 8am--I press snooze for about 30 minutes to an hour, hop in the shower, and then run around like a mad woman trying to get ready to leave for my first class that begins at 10:30am.
Somehow I make time (sort of) to go down to Amber's apt and drink some coffee and then we walk (suburb mom style) to school.
The elevator ride up to the 8th floor was my favorite part about the morning. Amber and I pile in the non-air-conditioned, small elevator, along with 7 other kids and 5 older Korean women. The minute or so that we're actually in the elevator, there is much confusion about which floor these women want to go to. One of them selects one floor, while another clearly disagrees, cancels that floor, and chooses another. This happens several times until we stop at multiple floors where no one gets on or off. It's funny when these women are talking to each other, because while I'm sure they're just talking nicely, it often sounds like an argument because the Korean language is a tonal language and so much intonation is used when speaking. Many times it sounds as though people are arguing, when in reality, they're simply conversing.
N-E-way...finally we reach the 6th floor; they look out, confirm it's the right floor, laugh together and walk out.
Ahhh to live in Korea. :)

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